Plot: This game had to set everything up, so in that sense the plot was done very well. Sound Effects: The sound was average the best effect, I think, is the clanking sound that plays whenever Mega Man lands. Music: Many of the tunes are very memorable, though the quality of the sound isn’t that great, of course, seeing that it is an old NES cart. Perhaps best of all, Mega Man manages to have five whole colors in his sprite (on a system that ostensibly limits sprites to three visible shades). The other characters and enemies also had lots of animations, and what is really neat is that, unlike most NES games at the time, the characters did not look flat. His other animations were also adequate, and he even blinked. Animation: Mega Man had a smooth three-frame run animation which was a lot for the NES. Graphics: If you go back and look at this game now, it doesn’t look as impressive, but at the time the graphics were highly detailed and didn’t look quite as flat as other games on the market. It is the only Mega Man game that doesn’t have eight Robot Masters.(Kudos to Matthew Presley for doing the grunt work with this one.) Later games (starting around the time of Mega Man 4) begin limiting lives to 9.

This is one of the few Mega Man games which allows extra lives to reach a total of 99 (or 98 in Mega Man 2).Mega Man is invincible for a few moments after he takes damage, but this invincibility does not apply toward spikes in this game.Water does not make Mega Man buoyant here (he doesn’t jump any higher underwater).Just grab it and scroll it off the screen and back on, and it’ll be back. Energy that is found lying around in stages can be gathered infinite times in this title.When you revisit a stage, the Robot Master comes back too (all other games, the Robot Master room is empty when you reach it).There is a pause function in this game (press SELECT).It is the only one that doesn’t tell you the names of the weapons you acquire (though other games, such as Mega Man I, the Power Battle, and the Wily Wars, give us the names).