
Qbittorrent best settings 2018
Qbittorrent best settings 2018


Because if nobody is seeding, then the torrent dies and cannot be downloaded.

qbittorrent best settings 2018

This is why it is considered good manners to 'seed' a torrent, at least a little, when you're finished. torrent file is like an address, pointing you towards the right location. torrent are being downloaded directly from other peoples servers, computers, seed boxes, etc. It is being seeded individually by other people across the world. torrent file from a website, etc, but the actual contents of the torrent is not provided by the website. Again, if at any point that torrent is no longer being seeded by any people, the torrent 'dies' (because nobody is sharing it, and if nobody is sharing/seeding it, then nobody can download it). Meaning, when you download the torrent, the people who are seeding it are sending you parts of the file for you to download. Many torrent files have significantly less) actively seeding it. Now, with popular torrents, you typically have 50+, 100+, 1000+ people (depending on the popularity of the torrent, of course.

  • If at any point person x stopped seeding the torrent, the torrent file would be considered 'dead' and you won't be able to download it anymore.
  • Person y is only able to do this because Person x is still seeding the torrent.
  • Person y downloads (or 'leeches') the torrent.
  • You quite literally cannot download a torrent if nobody is seeding it - the torrent would not progress at all. Torrent files are dead if nobody is actively uploading, or seeding, the file.


    So, reach out to the mods with any tech support requests, as they seem to know everything. qbpeter has been absent for all of this, yet decided to come in at the last minute to remove me, and likely block me after posting this. In my follow up post after opening the sub back up, I stated that it should not go private again due to the subs importance for tech support. In my poll regarding whether to protest the API changes, I even stated that I thought we should leave the sub up.

    qbittorrent best settings 2018

    I did not ever, nor do I now, intend to shut down this sub. I will be posting it on an alternative platform in the near future, and will treat it as a copyrighted work, which I forbid to be posted on this cesspit of a site ever again. Since I joined I clarified rules, have sorted out loads of spam, and wrote this massive FAQ that qbpeter has now ruined for everyone. You'll notice he has been largely inactive on the qbittorrent subreddit for the past year.


    Since I was unilaterally removed as a mod by qbpeter based on a lie, I'll let him start handling all the tech support posts.

    Qbittorrent best settings 2018